Friday, April 12, 2013

Welcome back North Pole Fliers

It was a busy day in Longyearbyen with our two ski teams and one dogsled team doing final preparations for their expeditions. They finalized their kits, organized their meals, packed the pulks and dogsleds and sent everything off to the airport for pre-loading of the plane.

The day was jam packed with activity until the early evening. Some team members opted to have a wine tasting in the world's northern most wine cellar which is surprisingly extensive. Everyone enjoyed a nice dinner and all are now relaxing in their beds. They won't sleep in a bed again until April 22!

Late in the day our North Pole Flight team returned from Borneo. They reported that the -17 C of Longyearbyen felt noticeably warmer than the North Pole or Barneo. Everyone had a great time and we look forward to hearing more of their stories in the coming days.

Our ski and dogsled expeditions are heading to the airport at 9 AM for a tentative 10 AM departure tomorrow morning. Everyone is excited and ready to go. Check back again soon for another update!